Four essential ways to identify a good hotel when traveling to Bali

In 2018, travelers ranked Bali as the best choice destination in Asia and the fourth best in the world. That makes Bali one of the most visited place on earth.

However, with so many people touring the island, one of the biggest concern is accommodation. For you to enjoy your trip, it is vital that you find a good hotel that is close to all the places you might want to visit, that is affordable, and that offers extra perks such as gym or spa.

Moreover, the hotel should be in a scenic location to ensure you get the best view for the duration of your visit. Here are four pointers to help you identify such a hotel.

1. Determine what matters most to you

The first and arguably the most essential thing when trying to find a good hotel is to list down all the things you feel must be available to guarantee a good stay. For example, do you prefer a small intimate hotel or do you prefer something luxe?

Also, what kind of décor do you fancy? Is it old-fashioned, business-like or modern? In terms of cost, what is your price range and what is your preferred location depending on the places you plan to visit?

Break all this down and once you are done, start finding hotels that meet all the requirements in your list. Sometimes you might not find such a hotel, and you might have to compromise on one or two things; but if you have a list, chances are high you will find a hotel that meets almost all the things on the list.

2. Check on these four key amenities that each good hotel should have

If you browse most travel sites, the top five most noted complaints are lack of Wi-Fi, bad air-conditioning, parking issues, and breakfast. Combined, these four make up the key amenities that each hotel should offer.

Therefore, once you identify what matters most and pick several hotels, it is time to check if they offer these four amenities. With regards to Wi-Fi, examine if it is free or you have to pay for it. Some hotels still charge an extra fee for internet connection.

Regarding parking and breakfast, check the hotel’s website to see if they list a fee beside these amenities. Finally, when it comes to air-conditioning, some hotels have specific rooms that have air-conditioning while others do not. Those with air-conditioning tend to be a bit pricier than their counterparts.

3. Browse the internet for reviews

A key way of determining a good hotel is to look at reviews on the internet. Visit popular travel sites and see what people are saying about the hotel.

Moreover, travel sites tend to list some of the best hotels in a particular area. For instance, you can search for Favorite Ayana 5 star hotels in Bali and depending on reviews by different people; you will get a list of these hotels.

Note that in addition to travel sites, it is essential to look at social media. Find the various social media accounts of a particular hotel and check what people are saying. Also, be keen to see if the hotel responds to some of the issues customers raise.

A good hotel values its customers, and it is always at the forefront ensuring it deals with all arising issues.

4. Word of mouth is key

As noted above, a lot of people travel to Bali each year and chances are high you know someone who has already been there. Quiz them and find out where they stayed and if they enjoyed their stay.

If they had a bad experience and that hotel was on your list, then you can ax it. Note also that word of mouth reviews tend to be more honest than reviews by people with a vested interest.

Final thoughts

Finding a good hotel is never easy, and sometimes it is a hit and miss process. However, if you keep the above four tips in mind, you have a very good chance of finding a good hotel in Bali and thoroughly enjoying your stay.

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